The European Enigma - 6 Dec 2014 - London - The Forum

First of all let me start by saying how pissed off I was the whole night because the people working for the venue stripped me of my camera. Seriously I'm done with concerts in the UK! This was the first time that I used my phone camera to take pictures with. Thank the gods for my friend "Badass" who allowed me to use his phone.

Now that I got that of my chest I will start by saying that Epica exceeded my expectations. I thought that, as good as Simone Simons' voice is, she wouldn't be able to pull off the entirety of the show. Well I couldn't be more wrong! Not only did she last, she ROCKED it. No on-stage break singing a ballad. Only hard, quick paced songs, the ones that Epica do so well. I was pleasantly surprised when they played The Last Crusade and Consign To Oblivion. (What can I say... I'm a sucker for the old songs.)

On Dragonforce now. I've never been a follower of the groups work, although I do like what I hear. I've seen them live once more ten years go when they played with Iron Maiden in Terra Vibe, Athens. So even though I did not know their songs I was swept away by them. And, as I remember from ten years ago, their guitar solos are magic!     

Unfortunately due to the long queue and the fact that I had to debate weather I'm a professional photographer or not, I only heard two of Neon Flys songs. 


Top two: Neon Fly
Next four: Dragonforce
All the Rest: Epica

 Also big thanx to my good friend Stef for practically forcing me to go to this concert with her for her b'day.


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