The On My Way Home Tour - 29 Apr 2015 - Amsterdam - Heineken Music Hall

This is a post I never thought I would make, for this is a pop concert... But good music is good music no matter the genre.

"Thank you Stefania for introducing me to their music a year ago and also for the concert ticket! You are the best!"

There are so much I can say about this live and at the same time so little, because they were perfect! Pentatonix performed like a well-oiled machine. Really there is nothing more to say. They were indeed perfect. Congradz PTX!! 

Highlight of the show: Avis voice.

In the encore they decided to sing microphone-less. If the song they had chosen was not a Christmas song (I cringe at the sound of X-mas songs) that would have been the highlight of the show. However, with that song Pentatonix showed how well they work together. I was amazed to hear how balanced they sound and was pleasantly surprised to see that no one tried to overpower the others, now that the sound engineer was not in control of their mics. 

I'm officially a fan now! And at last it's a band which my mother approves of.   

Fun fact: Before the show started, I was so sure I'd see mosh pits forming in the middle of the crowd. Apparently such things only happen in metal concerts!




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